What is Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is a component of traditional Chinese medicine that originated in China over 2,000 years ago. Both Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine are based on the belief that living beings have a vital energy called “Qi” which circulates through 14 meridians channeling throughout the body. Every meridian is marked by a series of specific acupuncture points within the 14 meridian system. Each meridian also corresponds to a major organ system—the lung meridian, large intestine meridian, kidney meridian, bladder meridian, etc.

acupunctureA diagnosis of which meridian to treat is made after an intake is conducted with the patient. During the intake, the Acupuncturist asks a series of questions about the patient's chief complaint, his or her physical and emotional health, lifestyle habits relating to diet, sleep, appetite, stress levels and other health related questions. In addition, a pulse reading is taken to ascertain the state of the patient's vital energy as it relates to all 14 meridian systems.

Acupuncture can often treat more than one thing at a time. For instance, a patient may come in for a migraine and mention an additional problem of insomnia which Acupuncture can treat with great success. A patient may come in with Sciatica pain and be treated for anxiety at the same time. Acupuncture is a wonderfully holistic system of medicine that promotes wellness.

After the patient’s intake is finished, and a diagnosis is made by the Acupuncturist, the patient lies down on a comfortable table in a stress free setting with music and soothing lighting. The Acupuncturist then inserts thin, sterile, and disposable needles in various places on the body depending on the diagnosis. Most people describe a very relaxing sensation with virtually no pain. The needles are hair-like and some people say they feel nothing at all. Treatment length varies from forty minutes to one hour depending on the problem being treated. Patients describe being in a very relaxed state after the treatment is completed. It is not uncommon for patients with acute problems to be noticeably better after the second treatment and sometimes even after the first treatment. The more chronic ailments take a little longer, but it is remarkable how quickly things start to get better.

Western medicine has come to recognize Acupuncture as a viable medicine that can treat a myriad of diseases and pain. A recent article on WebMD.com describes the use of an MRI in reading physical changes in the brain that occur during Acupuncture treatment, proving that Acupuncture is much more than a placebo. With the advent of recent scientific advances we are now able to better understand how Acupuncture works. For example, we know that Acupuncture releases endorphins and serotonin that may account for Acupuncture’s pain relieving properties and explains its regulation of insomnia and mood. The World Health Organization recognizes Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine’s ability to treat over 43 common disorders. Although it is an ancient medicine, Acupuncture combined with Chinese Herbal Medicine is one of the best known and successful alternative therapies today.

Visit our Practitioner's Page to learn about Dr. Debra Bebell, i spa's resident Acupuncture Physician.