Practitioner's Blog - For Your Health
Survive the Holidays? Here's How!

holiday stress

Okay, we’re going to confess.  This was going to be a serious blog post about keeping up your energy for the holidays by eating right, getting plenty of sleep, and even logging some exercise time.

Then we thought, yeah right.

Not that we were misguided. Not at all!  Proper diet, sleep, and exercise are crucial to wellness, especially in stressful or busy times like the holidays.  We absolutely advocate those words of wisdom. The problem is that we know that as of December 1st, those are more words than wisdom.

For many of us the underlying directive for the Holidays is one word: SURVIVE!

Buckle down, speed shop, decorate, cook like crazy, wash two dozen sheets for visiting relatives, decorate some more, be kind to the in-laws, speed wrap the gifts, decorate more, more, more, entertain everyone, and try to keep your job while doing it all.  Whew.  This is the most wonderful time of the year?

Maybe an egg white veggie omelet instead of eggs and bacon doesn’t seem crucial right now.  Perhaps shopping at every store of a giant mall is enough exercise.  Maybe snoozing in the bathroom during your lunch break counts as rest?

The Holiday season can be so busy that by the time you plop on the couch to relax its January 8th and you are wondering how you missed it all.

We survive the Holidays, but do we remember to enjoy them?

So that’s our new theme for this blog post:  Enjoy Yourself!   Not sure you remember how?  Here are Five Tips For Enjoying The Holidays from the Jolly Staff at i spa:

  • At least once a day, stop, breathe, and look around.  Feel the winter air.  Smile.
  • Be dazzled by the all-out front yard madness of a holiday light enthusiast.
  • Exchange funny “worst gift ever” stories with strangers on checkout lines at stores.
  • Wear a ridiculous hat or scarf that makes you feel 10 years old again.
  • Feel abundant! Bring all of your groceries home in giant gift bags.  Woo-hoo!

Bonus: Dance with little kids at every gathering you attend.  Kids are great reminders of how good it feels to just boogie down.

That’s it.  That’s our unofficial guide to enjoying the holidays.  Have fun, break out of the routine, go nuts!
Oh speaking of nuts, nuts are highly nutritious, can help you relax, and even boost your energy for power shopping. After all proper diet, rest, and exercise are the key to Holiday Wellness…and yes, we just had to sneak that in. Wink